12/7: Af Ursin, Sarah Hennies, DJ Vivid Oblivion


AF Ursin
Sarah Hennies
DJ Vivid Oblivion

December 7, 2024

Presented with Shared Shapes

Secret Williamsburg residence
(address TBA to ticket holders)


Over nearly three decades, the Belgium-based Af Ursin has released a steady stream of alchemical recordings both solo and in collaboration with the likes of Anne Gillis, Christoph Heemann (as In Camera), and Andrew Chalk (as Elodie). With antecedents within both the more esoteric strains of industrial musick and the classical avant-garde, it would be tempting to call Af Ursin a torchbearer for a hallucinatory approach to expansive sound if not for the hushed, chamber ambience of much of his output. Candlebearer seems a more apt metaphor for the blurred timbres of his structured improvisations; a music that passes intimately through darkness without entirely illuminating it.

In addition to his La Scie Dorée imprint, Af Ursin runs the Metaphon label, dedicated to publishing electronic and instrumental music from the 20th century, with a focus on Belgian composers as well as the music of Michael Ranta—an American composer and percussionist best known as a performer of choice for Stockhausen, Jean-Claude Éloy, and Luc Ferrari. Ranta serves as the connective tissue linking Af Ursin with Sarah Hennies, who has undertaken a recording project documenting never before heard Ranta chamber works mostly composed in the 1970s while he was living in Taiwan. This November, Important Records issued Transits: Volume 1, the first in this series.

Sarah Hennies is a composer and percussionist based in upstate New York whose work is concerned with a variety of musical, sociopolitical, and psychological issues including queer and trans identity, psychoacoustics, and the social and neurological conditions underlying creative thought. As a scholar and performer she is engaged with ongoing research about the percussion music of Iannis Xenakis. She is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor of Music at Bard College and her work has been released by Blume, Black Truffle, and New World Records. For this event, she performs with cowbells and singing bowls given to her by Michael Ranta.